Den siste uken i juni inviterer Kunsthall Oslo og Agenda X til gratis sommerskole for kunstnerspirer mellom 15-26 i våre lokaler på Tøyen. Her får ungdommen mulighet til å utforske en rekke ulike kunstneriske teknikker og metoder med veiledning fra unge lokale kunstnere.
Meld deg på via nettsidene til Kunsthall Oslo:
26.-30. juni
på Prosjektskolen
Borggata 7, 0650 Oslo
Åpent for deg mellom 15-26 – gratis! (påmelding her)
mandag, tirsdag, onsdag 26.-28. juni kl. 11-16
Silketrykk med Jon Benjamin Tallerås (insta, website), Neslihan Ramzi (insta, website) og Joakim fra siketrykkets venner (insta)
Explore the city and find inspiration in the urban environment with Jon Benjamin; develop your designs with Neslihan; and learn how to print your own posters and t-shirts with Joakim.
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mandag, tirdag, onsdag 26.-28. juni kl. 11-16
Patchwork med Marie Cole (insta)
Discover the artistic possibilities of patchwork over three days of creative exploration and skill-building. We’ll cover a variety of techniques, including appliqué, embroidery, and quilting, that you can use create your own style and apply to your own projects. This workshop offers a safe and inclusive space to express your creativity and develop your technical abilities – suitable for all levels of sewing experience from beginner to expert. Use your own fabric or choose from our selection; sewing machines also supplied but you can bring your own. We strongly encourage experimentation and creativity, play and fun!
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torsdag, fredag 29.-30. juni kl. 11-16
Do something! med Helene Duckert (insta, website)
This workshop offers a play-driven pursuit of making, focusing on using the things that surround us to create personal narratives. We will share experiences and explore processes of improvisation in the physical and digital world. The workshop will be fast-paced, pushing you to make creative decisions and make the most of the time we have.
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torsdag, fredag 29.-30. juni kl. 11-16
Rock Paper Scissors: Collage, maleri og mosaikk med Julius Karoubi (insta, website)
A practical workshop that will put you straight into the process of creating your own artwork using collage, watercolour paint and mosaic techniques. Drawing inspiration from everyday life, Karoubi will share his working methods and encourage participants to talk about their own process and interests.
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